Isabel Amarante – Decolonizing History

Dr. Isabel Amarante, a Native Dominican, holds degrees from Brown University and a PhD in Latin American Literature specializing in Critical Theory, Deconstruction, Post Colonial, and Post Colonial Theory from Columbia University.

In this discussion, Jay and Isabel consider the following topics.

Erasure of indigeneity in the Caribbean (Latin and African identity)

Unlearning the false history taught to children and the awakening of ancestral memory

Taino religion before 1492

Las 21 Divisiones (21 Divisions)- a syncretic religion of Caribbean origin which developed on the island of Hispaniola

Amazon indigenous knowledge and traditional herbal medicine

The full Nightwolf episode can be streamed below.

Jay Winter Nightwolf – Isabel Amarante (05-20-20)

1 Responses to Isabel Amarante – Decolonizing History

  1. Excellent interview.the decolinization of the mind. Start by removal of the myth of American history. Economic system like the southern plantocracy. Enslavers of the Aboriginal Native and land removal. Bring back matriarchal leadership. End white nationalist strategy. Bias and segregation that Congress made law of the land to steal our land from there Host. Native People.

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